Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dare # 2 - The nomss Friend

I dare you all to make a not-of-my-species-special-friend (nomss friend).

Go out, find someone who is not of your own species and make friends.
Introduce yourself and tell them why you chose them (color of their fur, feathers, scales, skin, layout and/or content of their Blog, their name, whatever it was that grabbed your attention - and no, Daisy I don't think the Sea Monkeys would count....)
Ask if they want to be your nomss friend and post about them on your Blog. Beans can of course play too!
Put the link to that post in the Mr. Linky Box at the end.
We will keep this post up for several days because I realize that this is a somewhat different challenge! It requires real effort. And time. And courage to go and talk to strangers and ask them to be friends. But I think that this is something we all need to do more these days!

You can pick up your IDYA buttons here in the sidebar, they are designed so that you can put your new friend’s picture in it and is meant to be put in your sidebar with a permanent link to their blog. There are also some buttons you can give to your new friends.
We promised: no photoshop! So whoever does not have the software or skills to put their friend’s picture in the button – email us and we do it for you!

I do hope that each and every one of you accepts this challenge so we can make the blogosphere an even better and bigger community and show everybody how we cross borders and have no patience for prejudices, racism and intolerance towards others!

If you don’t know where to start looking: there are a number of links to other animal and human Bloggers at the bottom of our sidebar. There is also the animal internet. Good luck!

And remember: don’t just put your nomss friend’s picture on your Blog but treat them as true friends. Visit often, respect and support them, help them when they need it and most important: learn from how they are different from you and find your common features!


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

no monkeyin arownd karl an anastasia ... yer da gratest!
i am gointa put sum speshul thot into dis challenge!
luv--yer grate admirer--jh

Tyler said...

I claimed my new friends. You can check them out here:

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

WOWZIE this is a good will transcend the borders for sure! Like Mick & Jeter, I will give this some real thought tonight when I have time to roam around the internet bloggy world!
Eine ganz tolle sache! Ich meine suche:))

Boy said...

I did it! I did it!
That's a fine chawwenge!
See mine fwiend here.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

okay I lily lu did it meet my best freind in a dog lady i need some help wiff my bage

Lilly lu

Karen said...

I am putting mine up and need help with the badge please!!!

Fiona said...


I'm Fiona and I think that I understood!
I'm Anita's new friend and I want to do the same I pick up one of them and put in it Anita's pic
Then I puti it on my blog..yes?
Well, now it's a bit late,but tomorrow I'll do it!!

Asta said...

you awe an inspiwation!! I'm posting tomowwow about my new siblings ..they awe a wesult of youw NOMSSF challenge..thank you fow spweading good will and fun thwoughout the blogosphewe!
smoochie kisses